Guava Melon Mist

Yesterday I spent a couple of hours with this beautiful momma, Amanda. She's been featured in my blog a couple of times already but instead of showing you her kitchen, this week I'd like to show how adorable she actually is. We ended up matching; this didn't happen on purpose and ended up being worse due to our daily thrifting finds. I think we were channeling the whole "old lady from Florida" look. Either that or we are one week too late for Easter. I think it's easy to find the time to hang out together not only because she lives right down the street but because she has a child. Its sad when some of your best and closest friends will ask "Do you have _____ today?" ....Because hanging out when a child is around isn't fun for them and they would rather not spend the time with you unless you're alone. I find this horribly insulting and I'm not even Ben's biological mother. I can't imagine how this makes real mothers feel. Who cares if I have my child today, I'm still the same person. I just might only have one eye and ear on you instead of both. I need more friends with kids...or perhaps more friends that love to be around the company of a small incredibly intelligent child.

Biking in heels wasn't as bad as walking in heels. Plus, walking your bike while your wearing heels proves to be a support, not a nuisance. We ran into Ben's mother, Mary Ellen, at the local coffee shop and she told me that I'm the only person who would wear 5 inch platforms on a bike. I believe this to be untrue...I mean, other women must do this, yes?
I love this plastic (hand made?) Ice Cream brooch so much! Cyrus took me thrifting in Vancouver back in September for my birthday and I was ecstatic when I found it hidden amongst the clutter and chaos that is Value Village's jewelry section. I have a thing for pink accessories and almost all things kitsch. I have a little pink ice cream tattoo'd on my wrist so this just seemed fitting. I found a few other fabulous things that day but I'll leave those for another post. I will say that I don't wear pink often but I couldn't turn down this vintage blouse. I love the detail in the collar and it cost less then a cup of coffee. I also scored a black short sleeves 100% cashmere vintage sweater and put a bid down for a set of 3 vintage 1950s baby wall decor set. Fingers crossed for the set, not the baby.
My Outfit Details:
Black floppy hat: Thrifted @ The Win
Black Blazer: H&M (Thrifted @ The Patch)
Baby Pink Blouse: Thrifted yesterday for $2.99!!
Ice Cream brooch from 91': Birthday present from Cyrus (Thrifted @ Value Village in Burnaby BC)
Floral Gingham Pants: Motel Rocks. Purchased online @ Modcloth
Black Leather & Wood Wedges: Purchased 5 or 6 years ago @ ALDO OUTLET in Vancouver
Amanda's Outfit Details:
Seafoam Sequin Sheer Blouse: Purchased @ Flavour & Decade
Floral Sweater: Thrifted
Pink Skinny Jeans: Purchased @ H&M
Black Platform Creepers: Purchased online @ ASOS
Vintage Black Leather Coach Purse: Birthday present from me a couple of years ago.