Sunday, 10 March 2013

Doin' the Avocado Shake 

The home makeover begins! My partner and I have been discussing the options of either moving or doing home renovations on the rental we have been living in for a couple of years. After heavily weighing the options we have decided to do the renovations. We live in a three bedroom town house with our own personal laundry and large deck. It's close to both of our places of work, Ben's school, Downtown and Ben's moms house. Up until March 1st we have had a roommate in our top room and also often have a guest crashing in our living-room so space is can be kind of an issue. Now that everyones gone and we've decided to keep it, I'm ready for the transformation- starting with the kitchen. You usually can't do renovations on a rental but because Cyrus has lived here for years and is on great terms with his landlord we have the green light. It needed to begin with the kitchen, it was awful. Everything about it was outdated and it felt like a sea of beige. I can't do bland colours- It hurts my soul. In the beginning I had green on the mind but decided to paint it a 60's red/orange. I prepped everything and thankfully had the help of my mother. (Having the use of a car makes life much easier) We started with supplies at Canadian Tire and were going to get the paint there too but after a horrible experience (I don't even want to explain because the woman helping me was far too annoying) In end the I ended up walking out on the FLORESCENT NEON ORANGE she mixed me and went to CASTLE. As soon as I walked in the door I fell in love with the new paint sample "Avocado Shake" and my search was over. I had decided. I was going to be the pit of my kitchen.
Here are the AFTER photos. Two coats done, three in some places and the some of the kitsch has been added to make it feel more like home.
Its going to take some getting used to but I'm glad we did it. It creates a whole new feel to the house makes the kitchen more of its own space. Cyrus likes it, I like it, Olivia seems to like it and Ben wishes it was a "darky light red". You win some, you loose some. Next time we're doing "Peacock Plume" blue on the accent wall leading up the stairs. 

Bright colour on the walls and bright colours in our tummies. Mom brought over her "avocado spinach banana" shake the day of painting (fitting, I know) and Ben loves tomatoes and avocado with lemon drizzled all over it! Simple snack that adds to the colour scheme we have going on now. (He's also keen on eating lemons by themselves, crazy kid.) 


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