Sunday, 24 March 2013


Today I moved more of my things from around the house and both bedrooms to my new walk in closet. I can't really call it a closet as it's a small room with a strange landing at the back of it, but it works. It also doesn't look much like a closet but more like a vintage store. I think its mostly because I collect vintage accessories as well as clothing. I'm a huge fan of both Art Nouveau and Art Deco pictures and paintings and hanging fur capes on the walls as art. This is a small peek into my vintage wardrobe. Its just some odds and ends as well as my dress collection. One of the many plus sides to reorganizing a closet is that you find these amazing gems that you completely forgot you had. The little vintage Gucci watch (I don't think it's genuine, and if it is, someone changed the back piece) My "K" brooch and vintage floral costume earrings are but a few of the discoveries of the day. The most EXCITING news of all is that my Nikon is up and running again. My friend Jesse finally had it fixed and now I need to crawl my lazy bum into storage and look for the charger, case and connector so that I can put it to good use! There isn't enough time in a day. I still have to fold the laundry, do the breakfast dishes and go grocery shopping. 

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